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כ"ז בניסן התשפ"ב (יום הזיכרון לשואה ולגבורה)
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00:00:45 ◀︎ New York governor pledges $2.6 million to aid state’s Holocaust survivors
00:41:35 ◀︎ Over 100,000 Muslim worshippers gather on Temple Mount for nighttime prayers
01:02:29 ◀︎ UK says Western allies must ‘double down’ and send Ukraine tanks, jets
01:18:00 ◀︎ ‘3Gs,’ grandkids of Holocaust survivors, retell grandparents’ stories as own legacy
01:59:05 ◀︎ How two academics tracked down war criminal behind a brutal Syrian massacre
03:10:06 ◀︎ Zelensky’s parents’ local rabbi: They don’t understand why he wanted to be president
04:06:12 ◀︎ Blinken says Israel supports a US return to UNESCO
04:41:44 ◀︎ HBO to produce comedy series about Hasidic rapper Nissim Black
05:27:38 ◀︎ Trump testifies about how he feared being hit by ‘very dangerous’ fruit
06:13:33 ◀︎ London exhibit charts 150 years of Europe’s antisemitism – and the fight against it
06:49:38 ◀︎ Israel to come to a standstill as it commemorates Holocaust victims
07:50:53 ◀︎ PA’s Abbas, Jordan’s Abdullah meet in Amman, discuss ‘ways to defend Jerusalem’
08:06:12 ◀︎ ‘Alarming’ 25% rise in Iran executions in 2021, watchdogs say
08:52:20 ◀︎ Holocaust survivors issue Remembrance Day message against dangers of unchecked hate
08:56:49 ◀︎ Shin Bet chief met last week with PA’s Mahmoud Abbas in Ramallah
10:33:49 ◀︎ ‘Not afraid’: Ukraine women learn to demine in Kosovo
10:43:47 ◀︎ ‘Blackmail’: European leaders issue fiery response to Russia cutting gas supplies
10:54:45 ◀︎ As it beefs up West Bank barrier, IDF to call up reservists to relieve combat troops
11:00:12 ◀︎ Informal UN Security Council meeting urges accountability for atrocities in Ukraine
11:19:59 ◀︎ Gas prices set to spike past NIS 7 per liter
11:40:55 ◀︎ Fleeing war yet again, 21 Holocaust survivors touch down in Israel on rescue flights
12:21:31 ◀︎ Bennett: Holocaust memory is part of Jews’ DNA, passed from generation to generation
12:31:24 ◀︎ Housing snapshot: 6 apartments and houses recently sold across Israel
12:51:19 ◀︎ Turkey’s Erdogan travels to Saudi Arabia amid regional fence-mending effort
13:12:13 ◀︎ Never again? World response to Putin shows tragic failure to act on lessons of WWII
13:33:11 ◀︎ Haifa teen stabber was motivated by death of Palestinian boyfriend – report
13:33:11 ◀︎ Soldier who accidentally killed comrade is convicted of manslaughter
13:37:38 ◀︎ From fields to high-rises, Be’er Yaakov turns into a ‘young and vibrant city’
14:13:52 ◀︎ Daily Briefing Apr. 28: On Yom Hashoah, a final March of the Living with survivors?
14:13:52 ◀︎ Paris officer charged with involuntary manslaughter of fleeing driver and passenger
14:44:48 ◀︎ Bold new Israeli brain theory touted as breakthrough for medicine, computing
14:59:11 ◀︎ Bennett: Holocaust memory is part of Jews’ DNA, passed from generation to generation
15:24:50 ◀︎ Spring wildflowers late this year, thanks to historic cold spells in early 2022
16:06:53 ◀︎ Muslim influencers visit Auschwitz, seek to bring truth of Holocaust to Arab world
16:11:16 ◀︎ California now boasts 32 Israeli-founded tech unicorns
17:07:19 ◀︎ Mayor under fire for saying it was ‘easiest to despair, be killed in Holocaust’
17:22:50 ◀︎ At Lebanon Christian conference, calls for repealing ban on contacts with Israel
17:48:11 ◀︎ For 2nd time this week, letter with death threats and bullet sent to PM’s family
19:15:07 ◀︎ Millions pray at Mecca’s Grand Mosque in largest such event since COVID hit
19:15:07 ◀︎ Police to boost presence in capital ahead of final Friday prayers of Ramadan
19:26:04 ◀︎ Health Ministry shuts down Strauss factory after massive salmonella recall
19:26:04 ◀︎ Netherlands sees 10-year high in antisemitic incidents
20:11:20 ◀︎ Ukraine chief prosecutor says over 8,000 cases of suspected war crimes identified
21:48:12 ◀︎ On Holocaust Remembrance Day, Iran paper publishes antisemitic piece praising Hitler
21:53:40 ◀︎ After 2-year pandemic hiatus, thousands take part in Auschwitz March of the Living
21:59:11 ◀︎ At Holocaust memorial event, Polish president ties atrocities to war in Ukraine
22:24:26 ◀︎ White House to screen HBO’s ‘Survivor’ to mark Holocaust Remembrance Day
23:30:29 ◀︎ Why did the US ignore diplomats who boldly raised an alarm about Hitler before WWII?
23:45:54 ◀︎ Jerusalem apartment building fire kills 4-year-old who was trapped inside for hours
23:55:50 ◀︎ Mansour Abbas said to boycott coalition leaders’ meeting, as demands unaddressed